Tag Archives: werewolf

Green-Eyed Monster

Green-Eyed Monster I’ve finally gotten a break in my road travel schedule (good for my health, but bad for my career prospects, since my driving is to job interviews these days), so I’m giving the audiobooks a rest and doing some good old-fashioned reading with my eyeballs.  Well, not all that old-fashioned, since I’m using […]

Magazine: Cirsova #4

Cirsova #4 Cirsova’s fourth issue isn’t part of my magazine quest/contest, but I decided this would be a good time to blog about it.  Cirsova launched a Kickstarter campaign recently, covering issues 9 and 10, and a friend of the editor is doing a Gofundme fundraiser to cover some unexpected veterinary bills. Lately, my job hasn’t left […]

Magazine: Apex Oct 2015

Apex Magazine Issue 77 I down the last of my Red Bull and crush the can, tossing it into the passenger footwell with the others. The pile of cans will reach onto the seat and mingle with the empty fritos bags soon. I rummage through the bags, but come up empty. I haven’t showered or […]

Microfiction: Natural Habitat

I plan to resume my magazine quest with a new post tonight or tomorrow, but I thought I’d post something short this morning since I’ve been away from the blog for a while. I recently read a flash fiction story at CS Boyack’s site, a few lines of which reminded me of a microfiction I’d […]

Microfiction: Pills

In an earlier post, I linked to my six favorite microfiction stories at 101 Fiction.  The site opened to submissions again last month, and I decided to send in two stories of my own:  one fantasy, the other science fiction.  101 Fiction is running through a series of color themes, and this time “red” had to appear in all […]

Microfiction: 101 Fiction

For the next six weeks, I’ll be overwhelmed by career-related stuff.  I have detailed reviews and “settings” articles I’m eager to write, but I’m going to stick to shorter posts until things slow down.  This seems like an obvious time for a couple of posts about microfiction (100 words or less) and flash fiction (1,000 words or […]