Tag Archives: Holidays

Merry Christmas to All

I hope all of you had a great Christmas.  Ours was kind of last-minute.  In my Hard Luck Hank post, I mentioned that I’ve been spending all my free time job-hunting and interviewing.  My wife and I didn’t know if I’d get a job offer, making us drop everything and move to another city, in […]

Early Christmas Present

Merry Christmas Eve, everybody! I was trying to decide what to get all of you for Christmas, but it turns out the only thing you have in common is that you like to read a sci-fi book blog written by a grouchy old man.  (My wife informs me that I’m not that old, but they […]

A Mostly-Traditional Christmas

After our not-quite-traditional Thanksgiving, I wanted a more-traditional Christmas.  December turned out to be a very busy month at work and in graduate school, so I had to compromise.  I only put up a Christmas tree the week before the holiday (maybe I’ll compensate by leaving it up until July 4th), and we decorated it […]

A Semi-Traditional Thanksgiving

It’s just my wife and I (and our little dog) for Thanksgiving this year. My other family members who live here are traveling, but I decided it wasn’t practical for me. I worked late last night, flying on Thanksgiving is a nightmare, and I have two papers to work on for grad school. My employer […]

Christmas Science Fiction

I didn’t have time to get each of you that present you really wanted, so instead I browsed Amazon for some Christmas-related science fiction: Last January, I reviewed Merry Christmas, Mr. Babbers In April, I reviewed The Mighty Peculiar Incident at Muddy Creek, which is not Christmas-themed, but the author has another short story which […]