Tag Archives: cosplay

Side Quest: from Malak to After the Apocalypse

The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume Six I didn’t have good luck with the first nine stories from this collection, but I’m sure that was just nine anomalies in a row.  Here are the next ten: Malak by Peter Watts.  A drone develops (or gets programmed with, I can’t remember) a conscience, […]

Dinosaur Wrangler

Before the place was shut down, I was a junior assistant dinosaur wrangler at Jurassic Park. They only let me deal with the really small dinosaurs: I paid attention during orientation, and I remember that if you see a dinosaur licking its chops, you should back away slowly before it eats you. Feel free to […]

Halloween Photos

When I was a marine biologist, I frequently interacted with sea creatures.  I did so again for Halloween.  (Is it weird to dress up in costume as something that you actually are?  A surgeon wearing scrubs?  An imperial stormtrooper trick-or-treating in his armor?)