Tag Archives: superhero

Green-Eyed Monster

Green-Eyed Monster I’ve finally gotten a break in my road travel schedule (good for my health, but bad for my career prospects, since my driving is to job interviews these days), so I’m giving the audiobooks a rest and doing some good old-fashioned reading with my eyeballs.  Well, not all that old-fashioned, since I’m using […]

Hack Those Stories!

There are only a few hours left to nominate stories for the 2018 Planetary Awards, so it’s time for me to get my short story nomination in.  I have a potentially career-changing event happening tomorrow, which is good, but it means I don’t have much time to devote to tonight’s post. I originally wanted to […]

Magazine: Diabolical Plots

You’ve probably heard me mention the submissions grinder website before, as that’s where I found the majority of the magazines I’ve reviewed.  It’s an excellent tool for short story authors, as it will list magazines that are currently accepting submissions of a story’s genre and length.  Also, if you log your submissions there, it will […]

Magazine: Outposts of Beyond, July 2017

Outposts of Beyond, July 2017 (note that the linked item at Amazon has an incorrect cover image) You may have noticed that my last few magazine reviews did not have intro stories.  I’m trying to wrap up round one of my magazine quest (which, I’ve just realized, began in late 2015) by the end of the […]

Magazine: Phantaxis Nov 2016

Phantaxis Nov 2016 The following intro story will confuse you if you haven’t read my spaghetti western intro story: My phone rings, waking me up at 5AM on a Saturday.  Resisting the urge to throw it against the wall, I answer it.  “You better have a good reason for calling.” “Oh, I do indeed, sir. […]

Vacation in Maine, Part I

Most of my vacations have been outside the USA, partially because I wanted to see the rest of the world, and partially because I could travel around Asia while living in Catfish City, and around Southern Africa while living in Durban. This year, I chose Maine to show my wife another part of the US […]